It is possible to coexist with high levels of stress without letting it become harmful to your wellbeing, your performance, productivity, relationships or happiness!
I wish I knew HOW to stop stress from messing with my wellbeing before I burned out!
And to be honest with you, nobody would have guessed how much I struggled internally if they judged my book by its cover. I studied toxicology, developed drugs for cancer in the laboratory and won a myriad of high-performance awards while building a 20-year career in corporate healthcare.
But internally I was a ship-wreck.I lived with extreme levels of stress, 24/7, I had a hard time sleeping, I experienced severe brain fog, heart palpitations and often turned to food and alcohol at the end of the day to relax. Until one day . . .
Stress took everything away from me!
Carrying the stress of the world on my shoulders caused a serious injury in my spine. Long-term organ damage is well-documented, a result of chronic, uncontrolled stress when the demands you place on your body exceed its adaptive capacity.
And just like that, I lost everything, my health, a career I had worked all my life for, my financial security. You could say I have a personal vendetta against stress!
At that moment I decided to take my power back from stress!
I combed the latest mind-body research and combined it with all my healthcare and lab experience to create a system that led to my own healing journey.
Now I would love to support you (as I have helped hundreds before you) build your own bridge from stress and burnout to your most healthy, whole, powerful self.
Watch the video to learn the truth about stress so you can defeat burnout too!
What Clients Say
You used to juggle many plates, all at once, almost effortlessly. But now it's harder.
You're holding your breath, waiting for the crash when you drop one . . . any day now.
You're on edge. You often feel unwell, but push through it anyway. You struggle at work and at home.
Get your FREE Stress Assessment to give you practical tools to get back on track without the stress burden.
These are perfect for your uber busy life! Imagine simple, practical tools so you get stress-relief without adding more "to do" items on your overflowing list.
No more trying to form new habits that don't stick or require high maintenance. And you won't find an empty platitude among them.
You'll get FREE convenient and easy-to-implement stress-busting tips to get you on the path to stress relief quickly. Delivered straight to your inbox.
Does your brain feel fried or overwhelmed from the uncertainty and disruption of 2020? Are you unsure when the earth beneath your feet will stop shifting.
I don't have a crystal ball or magic wand, but I do have a wonderful journey for you. One of stress-relief & restoration where we'll "travel" together to renew your energy and revive your spirit. No stress needed.
I got you! Check out my next virtual 10-week brain rebooting program